Rooms and Suites

Donna Maria Suites

Donna Maria Suites

Donna Maria Suites is a guest house located on the first floor of Palazzo Marigliano overlooking Spaccanapoli and a private internal courtyard. The name of the guesthouse is a tribute to Donna Maria Marigliano del Monte (1903 – 1983), daughter of Don Aniello and Ortensia Italia Jackson Jarves. At the age of five, she was sent to Rome to the Sacro Cuore of Trinità dei Monti, where her aunt the Reverend Mother Maria Marigliano welcomed her and then sent her to the island of White. Friendly, smiling and very “Neapolitan”, she was a  protagonists among the Roman social life of the time. To such an extent that Fellini offered her a small part in his masterpiece La Dolce Vita (and in many of his other films).

The single rooms of the Guest House are named after different members of the Marigliano family.

Donna Isabella

Don Aniello


Don Pio

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